Hiduplah seperti pengembara.
penghujung saujana teroka.
Yang menghayatinamun tahu masanya pergi.
Yang gemar bersama-sama
serta maklum kelak mandiri jua.
serta maklum kelak mandiri jua.
Wahai aku,
Salam alaikðŸŒ
This is definitely one my favourite book of the year
(altho the year isnt over yet pfft)
Salam alaik :)
Please don't ever get tired of being a good person with a good heart. I know over the things that happened in this life, it feels like it is better to be cold-hearted. But people like you matter and so important to the world. Don't ever abandon kindness. We don't know who we'll save.
(just my daily-random-thoughts):